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Jamaican Dry Forests
A threatened ecosystem that is home to some of the most unique and amazing species on Earth

Jamaican Iguana
Critically endangered and endemic to Jamaica!

Phyllanthus latifolius
Near threatened and endemic to Jamaica!

Jamaican Kite
Although classified as vulnerable by the IUCN, the Jamaican Kite is thought to be highly threatened with extinction due to a variety of factors. There is only one site on Jamaica that has the plant (Black lancewood, Oxandra lanceolata), which is what the larvae of this species feeds on. The restricted access to food and intense deforestation for agricultural development creates a difficult environment for the Jamaican Kite to survive.

Jamaican Iguana
Critically endangered and endemic to Jamaica!
Team Members
Deseret Weeks
Eva Wilson
Henry Wakamiya
Katelyn Walsh
Yuan Wang
Mikaela Welton
Shane West
Khyber White
Anna Wilson
Brigitte Winkler
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